Greek Yogurt. Buy in our store online
Greek Yogurt: Online Sale
Original and traditional Greek yogurt directly from the Hellenic territory to your home with a rich and tasty recipe of various fruits. Gretal is a company of high quality Italian and Greek food products that deals with the import of original and traditional Greek yogurt in Italy. In addition, our Gretal Store has the availability of a wide range of Greek yogurt choices and flavors that we can ship daily to your door directly from our warehouses. Our Greek yogurt is produced in Greece and imported directly from us into our warehouses. Greek yogurt being a fresh product has a shelf life ranging from 30 to 40 days.
Greek Yogurt: Online Sale. Properties.
Greek yogurt is an increasingly popular food and is chosen as a healthy and nutritious food. Let’s find out together the properties, the possible contraindications and all the curiosities concerning it. Greek yogurt is thicker, less acidic yogurt than we all know. Rich in lactic ferments and proteins, it brings various benefits to the body, improving the conditions of the intestinal flora and strengthening the immune system. Like any food, it can have contraindications. Let’s find out everything there is to know about this food, starting from the nutritional values and continuing with the benefits and the best way to consume it.
What to need more.
Greek yogurt is a food increasingly chosen to share for its multiple properties, pleasant taste and versatility it shows in the kitchen. Although initially born as a normal yogurt, the Greek undergoes a third stage of filtering that makes it lose an additional dose of sugar, sodium and lactose, making it more compact, less acidic and rich in protein. It can be found on the market both natural and without added sugar and reworked with fruit and sugar. It generally has a little more fat than yogurt but is healthy fat that is not a problem if spread regularly throughout the day.
Greek Yogurt: Online Sale. Calories and nutritional values.
On average, 100 grams of Greek yogurt provide about 90 calories, which varies depending on the type of yogurt chosen and the presence of other ingredients. Rich in protein, Greek yogurt also contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron and also boasts a dose of vitamin A and those of group B. Sodium, although present in lower doses than those found in a classic yogurt. Finally, it is obviously rich in live lactic ferments.
Greek Yogurt: Online Sale.
Greek yogurt
has many beneficial properties. Among these, the best known are:
• Strengthens the immune system
• It makes the bacterial flora richer
• Gives regularity to the intestine
• Facilitates digestion
• It is useful for those suffering from lactose intolerance
• Thanks to the calcium content it helps strengthen bones
• Provides immediate energy after physical or mental exertion• Prevents intestinal infections• Keeps cholesterol at bay• Helps prevent osteoporosis• Thanks to the low sodium content it is suitable for those who follow low salt diets• Helps to control blood pressure• The proteins contained in it make it a useful food for athletes
Greek Yogurt: Online Sale. Differences with normal yogurt.
Greek yogurt tastes distinctly different from regular yogurt. But is reco yogurt more nutritious than regular yogurt? Both Greek and regular yogurt come from the milk left to ferment, where during this process the yogurt thickens and takes on a slightly sour taste. The yogurt is then filtered, a process that eliminates the liquid part, therefore the whey. The difference between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt lies in the filtering: – regular yogurt is blown twice, – Greek yogurt is filtered 3 times.
Third filtration.
Filtered Greek yogurt once again has less whey and is more compact, with a denser texture. This third filtration is the secret that makes Greek yogurt different from regular yogurt, so eventually Greek yogurt will also contain less lactose, sodium and sugar than regular yogurt.
Greek Yogurt is therefore much healthier than regular yogurt because:
– Greek yogurt contains about 40% less sodium than regular yogurt
– Greek yogurt contains half the refined sugar than regular yogurt
– Greek yogurt provides fewer carbohydrates, 3.5 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams compared to 13 grams of regular yogurt
– Greek yogurt contains more protein than regular yogurt because it is more concentrated
– Greek yogurt contains almost double the normal protein of yogurt (9 grams vs 3 grams)
Greek Yogurt: Best Choice.
So Greek yogurt is a great choice for both breakfast and snacks, especially perfect for those looking to get more protein, less fat and less sugar and also allows you to stay full for longer, essential if you’re trying to lose. weight or maintain it. Greek yogurt is definitely a healthy choice! And how do you eat it? Alone, with fruit or with a teaspoon of honey?
Greek Yogurt For Sale Online. Contact us.
Gretal Store has a customer service available 24 hours a day. You can write us information at or reach us via the telephone service that you find directly on our site.